šŸŒæ You herb it here first!

Thanks for all your input on the newsletter last week! There didnā€™t seem to be as much interest in the format of sharing links to resources with a short summary. So we are back to long-form this week!

Cooking with Sachets

The weather is colder, and the days are darker. And nothing warms the soul quite like soup. Well, maybe a stew? A braise definitely would warm you up. Probably puppies and kittens too. Family? Okay, you got me. There are lots of ways to warm the soul. šŸ˜‰

While itā€™s fun to get fancy in the kitchen, there is something to be said for throwing a few ingredients in a pot, turning it to a simmer, and letting time do its magic. Itā€™s simple. Hands-off. And delicious.

When time is your secret ingredient, a few good herbs and spices go a long way. Add a couple of bay leaves to your soup as it simmers. A few sprigs of rosemary to a stew. Or cardamom pods in a curry.

But letā€™s be real for a second.

Weā€™ve all had that moment of panic when we canā€™t seem to find that 3rd bay leaf, and youā€™ve got a table full of hungry guests. And dinner is already an hour late. šŸ˜¬

Itā€™s a pain to fish out those sprigs or pods. Almost to the point where you might not even add them.

But do add them. The extra flavor is worth it. Just do this instead.

Make a Sachet

A sachet is a bag of herbs and spices. Typically, you use cheesecloth. Its mesh-like consistency keeps the herbs and spices in while letting the flavor out.

picture of spice sachet

You simply wrap the herbs and spices in cheesecloth, then tie it together with kitchen twine. Itā€™s as simple as that.

Then as your chicken stock cooks or your beef braises, the sachet will perfume flavor throughout the pot.

A bouquet garni is a specific herb sachet of parsley, bay leaves, and thyme. You often see it in classic French cooking. Sometimes they even use the green tops of leeks, instead of cheesecloth, to bind the herbs together.

But Why Make a Sachet?

Is it worth the trouble? My answer: yes.

A sachet is a tool of refinement and convenience.

Whenever I see chefs do something few home cooks do, my spidey senses tingle. (This kind of spider, not this kind.)

If itā€™s taught in culinary school, why donā€™t we do it in our kitchen? Itā€™s just a small, extra step in the process. But those small steps are often the difference between the professionals and the wannabes like me.

First up, refinement. When you add whole spices, herbs, chiles, or citrus peels to a pot, bits and pieces break off. Those pieces then seep into the liquid youā€™re cooking. They muddy how the liquid looks. And can add unwanted texture.

Letā€™s talk about adding sprigs of leafy herbs to a braise. Over time, those leaves separate from the stem. And after hours of cooking, those dull, limp leaves are not the most appetizing to look at. Nor the best consistency to chew. šŸ˜¬

A sachet keeps the leaves contained in the blanket you made for them. The same goes for the peels that inevitably split in half. And the chile stems that always break off.

Then thereā€™s convenience.

You save yourself a lot of time and effort making a sachet.

  • Itā€™s easier to use spices and herbs whole instead of grinding or chopping. With a sachet, you simply pile them up. Wrap them. And throw them in the pot. šŸ™Œ
  • Itā€™s a pain to meticulously fish out the small thyme sprigs or sticks of cinnamon. Not to mention, theyā€™ll change color and turn soft after all the cookingā€”meaning theyā€™re that much harder to find. šŸ”Ž
  • Donā€™t sweat having to remember if you added 2 or 3 bay leaves. šŸ˜…


How Do You Make a Sachet?

Really, itā€™s not that complicated.

Put your sage leaves, star anise, clove, or whatever else you want in the middle of the cheesecloth. Then keep folding it until the spices and herbs are all wrapped up. Then tie it so it doesnā€™t unravel as it cooks.

My only recommendation is to make sure there is at least a double layer of cheesecloth all the way around. That way you know for sure nothing is getting through!

It doesnā€™t need to be a perfect rectangle, cylinder, or hexadecagon.

It just needs to work.

Hereā€™s a GIF of how I do it:

gif of rolling up a sachet
Not the prettiest! But it gets the job done.

Now that youā€™ll be cooking like a fancy French chef, feel free to sachet away! šŸ’ƒ

Luciano šŸ‘Øā€šŸ³

P.S. I need you! Please help me reach my goal of getting 1,000 subscribers by the end of the year! There are currently 972 of you wonderful people reading along. We are so close! Please forward this email to a friend and tell them to subscribe at www.saltsearsavor.com. You're the best! ā¤ļø

Salt Sear Savor

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