
Salt Sear Savor

Learn to craft your own dishes, improve recipes, and just be a better cook with a free newsletter on cooking.

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šŸ˜£ Doesnā€™t taste right? Hereā€™s how to fix it.

A Balancing Act: The 7 Elements of Taste Recipes are guidelines, not exact formulas. You can follow a recipe perfectly and get a different result than the recipe creator. From ingredients varying in taste to using another type of salt, there are many factors at play! Thatā€™s why you have to use your taste buds to be able to adjust or create a recipe on the fly. Iā€™m here to help. There are 7 elements of taste that impact how we enjoy food: salt, sweet, sour, bitter, umami, fat, and spicy. Just...

Do you live near the ocean? Lucky you. I do not. Here in Colorado, I couldnā€™t even drive to an ocean within the day if I wanted to. So think about it. When Iā€™m standing at the fish counter at the grocery store, how fresh could that salmon possibly be? It could have been caught yesterday and flown in this morning! Maybe. But probably not. How Fresh is ā€œFreshā€ Fish? There are loads of reasons fish can take a while to end up on a grocery store shelf: Boats spend days at sea before they bring...

I hope you enjoyed the holiday season and are off to a wonderful start to the new year! Itā€™s good to be back sharing some cooking knowledge. Thanks for letting me have two weeks off! I know yā€™all run a tight ship. šŸ˜‰ The Key to Sweeter Sweet Potatoes Ever roast sweet potatoes just to have them turn outā€¦not that sweet? Yep, me too. There is a trick to super-duper sweet, sweet potatoes. And no, itā€™s not adding maple syrup and marshmallows. Itā€™s all about how you cook them. Sweet Potatoesā€™ Magic...

Hey everyone! I wrote this newsletter in collaboration with Jillian Pfennig. She is a freelance writer, artist, and photographer who you can follow on Instagram @jillianpfennig. Also, due to the holidays and the new year, Iā€™m going to take the next two weeks off from sending the newsletter. I hope everyone has a great holiday season! šŸ„‚ And forewarning here...Olive the puns will be intentional! šŸ˜‰ Need a Recipe for Olive Tapenade? Nope! This briny yet fruity spread might be found on a platter...

We hit 1,000! You are incredible. Thank you so much for sharing the newsletter and helping us reach our goal for the year. And 20 days early too! Yeah, weā€™re overachievers! And for the 35 new folks, welcome! Iā€™m excited youā€™re here to learn more about cooking with us. Shred and Fry Meat To Transform Its Flavor & Texture Ready to add another technique to your repertoire? Pulled pork. Ropa Vieja. Shredded BBQ chicken. Carnitas. These shredded meat dishes are famous for a reason! Succulent....

We are so close! You all are amazing. We are only 6 subscribers away from hitting 1,000! Thank you for sharing the newsletter. If you havenā€™t shared it with a fellow cook, todayā€™s a great day to do it. Plus, Iā€™ll be your best friend forever if youā€™re the one to refer the 1,000th subscriber! How to Braise Vegetables. No Recipe Needed. Oxford Languages defines braising as ā€œfrying (food) lightly and then stewing it slowly in a closed container.ā€ So thereā€™s your recipe! And my work here is done....

Thanks for all your input on the newsletter last week! There didnā€™t seem to be as much interest in the format of sharing links to resources with a short summary. So we are back to long-form this week! Cooking with Sachets The weather is colder, and the days are darker. And nothing warms the soul quite like soup. Well, maybe a stew? A braise definitely would warm you up. Probably puppies and kittens too. Family? Okay, you got me. There are lots of ways to warm the soul. šŸ˜‰ While itā€™s fun to get...

Thank you to everyone shared the newsletter last week! We are already up 955 subscribers! Y'all are the best. ā¤ļø 1000 subscribers is in sight! šŸ‘€ What Type of Potato Should I Use? Po-tay-toes! Boil ā€™em, mash ā€™em, or stick ā€™em in a stew! Who doesnā€™t love a good potato? But there are countless varieties of these tubers, and not all are created equal. So Samwise, which ones do you boil? Which ones do you mash? And which ones are best stuck in a stew? (We can definitely be friends if you get the...

I need your help! Currently, 917 wonderful people subscribe to Salt Sear Savor. šŸŽ‰ However, Iā€™ve had a personal goal this year to get to 1,000 subscribers! If youā€™re loving the newsletter, please forward this email to people you know that enjoy cooking and tell them to subscribe at if they want to be better cooks! Thank you! Ground Meatā€”What You Need to Know Ground meat is a fascinating thing. You can make it from any animal. Itā€™s widely available. Itā€™s tasty. But did you...

Why You Should Make Dukkah And How To Do It! Quick pickles, garlic confit, caramelized onions, and chili oil, are some of my favorite flavor bombs*. What are flavor bombs? Theyā€™re ā€œcondimentsā€ that areā€¦you guessed itā€¦big on flavor! And having jars of them in your fridge makes weeknight dinners a breeze. Whether added during the cooking process or just as a finishing touch, they make even a simple dish taste fancy. Enter one of my favorite flavor bombs: dukkah. šŸ’£ *Just giving credit where itā€™s...